Why bees are vital to the environment?

Both human and environmental health depend on bee populations. Bees are essential for the production of food because of their role as pollinators and the medical benefits of honey and other goods.

Photo from @Dmitry Grigoriev

Why are bees so crucial?

Bees are important for a variety of reasons;

  • Pollination
    If animals assist in pollination, almost 75% of crops provide better results. Bees are the most important pollinators of both cultivated and wild plants among all animals. They visit more than 90% of the top 107 crops on earth. In other words, many plants, especially food crops, depend on bees for their growth.
  • Environment and Society
    Bees are highly intelligent, and people have used their social connections and mannerisms as inspiration for human endeavors. For instance, academics have proposed that observing bee behavior could assist professionals in creating emergency plans to evacuate people from a congested area. Scientists can learn where environmental changes are occurring in the environment by watching honeybee dances.
  • Healthcare Goods
    Honey is a natural sweetener with a variety of potential health benefits. Since ancient times, people have used bees and bee-related items for therapeutic purposes. Researchers have taken note of assertions that it possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, and anti-cancer effects. Honey is used in traditional medicine to cure a wide range of illnesses.

What will occur if bees continue to perish?

Bee decreases alert us that our course is harmful. Many other insects, the foundation of our ecosystems, are under risk from the same poisons that are threatening bee populations. And these dangerous substances pollute both the air and the water. Even worse, they damage the essential soil communities we need to grow our food by remaining in the soil for months or years. If we take action to save the bees, it means that we will also be saving a great number of other creatures.

To learn more…

Read from the below books to understand how we can help to preserve our environment together!