Kolla Documentation



Kollas mission is to provide production-ready containers and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clouds.

Chapter One – Related Projects

This documentation is for the Kolla container images.

Kolla-ansible is a subproject of Kolla that deploys the Kolla container images using Ansible.

Kayobe is a subproject of Kolla that uses Kolla Ansible and Bifrost to deploy an OpenStack control plane to bare metal.

ansible-collection-kolla is a subproject of Kolla that provides common Ansible content for use by Kolla projects.

Chapter Two – Site Notes

This documentation is continually updated and may not represent the state of the project at any specific prior release. To access documentation for a previous release of kolla, choose one of the OpenStack release names on the right of the title.

Chapter Three – Release Notes

The release notes for the project can be found here: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/kolla/

Chapter Four – Administrator Guide

4.1 Administrator Guide

4.1.1 Building Container Images 

If you are a system administrator running Kolla, this section contains information that should help you understand how to build container image or build some images using –template-override.

Building Container Images

Firstly, ensure kolla is installed.

python3 -m pip install kolla

Then, the kolla-build command is available for building Docker images.

Building kolla images

In general, images are built like this:


By default, the above command would build all images based on a CentOS Stream image. The operator can change the base distro with the -b option:

kolla-build -b ubuntu

There are following distros (bases) available for building images:

See the support matrix for information on supported base image distribution versions and supported images on each distribution.

It is possible to build only a subset of images by specifying them on the command line:

kolla-build keystone

In this case, the build script builds all images whose name contains the keystone string, along with their parents. Multiple names may be specified on the command line:

kolla-build keystone nova

Each string is actually a regular expression so one can do:

kolla-build ^nova-

kolla-build can be configured via an INI file, canonically named kolla-build.conf and placed in /etc/kolla. A custom path to it can be set via the –config-file argument. Most CLI arguments can be set via this config file. Remember to convert the names from hyphenated to underscored. Run kolla-build –help to see all available options.

The set of images to build can be defined as a profile in the profiles section of kolla-build.conf. Then, profile can be specified by –profile CLI argument or profile option in kolla-build.conf.

For example, since Magnum requires Heat, one could add the following profile to profiles section in kolla-build.conf:

magnum = magnum,heat

These images could then be built using command line:

kolla-build –profile magnum

Or putting the following line in the DEFAULT section in kolla-build.conf file:

profile = magnum

The kolla-build uses kolla as default Docker namespace. This is controlled with the -n command line option. To push images to a Dockerhub repository named mykollarepo:

kolla-build -n mykollarepo –push

To push images to a local registry, use the –registry flag:

kolla-build –registry –push



OpenStack Foundation (2023), Kolla Documentation, URL: https://docs.openstack.org/zed/admin/

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License  (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).

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