TOGAF 9.2_ What is New


TOGAF 9.2: What is New?

5-6 minutes

The TOGAF Standard, a standard of The Open Group , is a proven Enterprise Architecture methodology and framework used by the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency and is supported by a set of documents that provide specific guidance about how to use and adapt it to support new trends. This set of documents resides in the TOGAF Library and represents an extensive new body of knowledge that Enterprise Architecture practitioners can use to support the development of Enterprise Architectures.

TOGAF 9.2 New Release

As part of the evolution of the TOGAF standard, The Open Group released an update to the standard in April 2018. The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 has been redesigned and restructured into a smaller publication that includes separate guides. The core of the TOGAF standard remains the same in the new version, but it now includes more on Business Architecture, Security Architecture, mappings to other industry reference models, and practical implementation guides. There is also more focus on digital trend sand business transformation beyond IT.

  • The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 provides:
  • improved guidance,
  • corrects errors,
  • improves the document structure, and
  • removes obsolete content.

The key enhancements made in this version include updates to the Business Architecture and the Content Metamodel. All of these changes make the TOGAF framework easier to use and maintain. It retains the major features and structure of the TOGAF 9.1 standard including:

  • Modular Structure : The TOGAF standard has a modular structure. The modular structure supports:
  • Greater usability – the defined purpose for each part; can be used in isolation as a standalone set of guidelines
  • Incremental adoption of the TOGAF standard
  • Accompanying the standard is a portfolio of guidance material, known as the TOGAF Library, to support the practical application of the TOGAF approach

Content Framework : The TOGAF standard includes a content framework to drive greater consistency in the outputs that are created when following the Architecture Development Method (ADM). The TOGAF content framework provides a detailed model of architectural work products.

Extended Guidance : The TOGAF standard features an extended set of concepts and guidelines to support the establishment of an integrated hierarchy of architectures being developed by teams within larger organizations that operate within an overarching architectural governance model.

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