C++ Succinctly, Syncfusion



C++ Succinctly was written to help professional C# developers learn modern C++ programming. The aim of this book is to leverage your existing C# knowledge in order to expand your skills. Whether you need to use C++ in an upcoming project, or simply want to learn a new language (or reacquaint yourself with it), this book will help you learn all of the fundamental pieces of C++ so you can understand projects and samples written in C++ and begin writing your own C++ programs.

As with any large subject, there simply wasn’t room to cover everything (an example being the new atomic features added in C++11), and others might have decided to order the topics differently. I’m thinking particularly of pointers, a topic I cover in depth only further into the book. They are important, so some might have chosen to cover them earlier, but I feel you do not need to understand pointers to understand the material that precedes their coverage; understanding the preceding topics will make it much easier for you to understand them.

I’ve done my best to be as accurate as possible without sounding like a language specification or documentation file. I hope I have succeeded. I consulted the C++11 language specification frequently while writing this, and I also read everything from StackOverflow posts, to MSDN docs, to GCC docs, and beyond. There are areas where I intentionally simplified things. As you continue to expand your knowledge of C++, you will undoubtedly reach issues where you need to have a more comprehensive understanding in order to accomplish your goal or eliminate a bug. If reading this book imparts enough knowledge—and a good-enough feel for the language that you are able to recognize, diagnose, and resolve those issues—then I will be content that I have succeeded in my goals. Welcome to C++!



Michael B. McLaughlin. C++ Succinctly, Syncfusion. https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/ebooks/cplusplus

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